Shop for high jump equipment for any level of competition or practice from Gopher Sport!
Use high-quality equipment to protect students and athletes during high jump training and events.
We offer high jump pits in three classifications based on level of experience. Our elementary pit is our smallest option and is best for young users. High school athletes will land safely on our intermediate pit, which meets competition specifications. Our third and largest pit meets all specifications for the highest levels of competition. Pits are available individually or in complete packages with standards and crossbar.
If a teacher or coach wants to buy components separately, check out our assortment of standards and crossbars. We have introductory standards and elastic crossbars ideal for beginners or for use during practice. If you’re looking for the most durable option that will stand up to repeated use during track competitions, check out our all-steel standards. Pair these with fiberglass crossbars which are ready for rigorous jumping by athletes.
Browse heavy-duty high jump equipment from Gopher!