Shipping & Delivery Information

Parcel Shipments

Many of our products are stocked in our warehouse and ready to ship immediately. Over 99% of the time you order an in-stock product, it will ship from our warehouse the same day you ordered. Orders must be received before 4pm CST to quality for same-day shipment. Your order will leave our warehouse in one or more boxes, and each box will typically weigh less than 50 lb for easy handling.

The majority of these Parcel Shipments reach all lower-48 states in 4 business days or less and Canada in 8 business days or less. Shipments to Alaska, Hawaii, and northern Canadian territories arrive in 14 days or less. Delivery time to other locations will be determined at time of order. 

Truck Delivery

Some items are too large or too heavy to be delivered by parcel so they are sent via a large truck. These products usually ship on a pallet, and a pallet jack or forklift is required to unload the shipment. Truck items may ship directly from our warehouse or another location. Someone must be present to sign for receipt of the delivery. Truck delivery requires a loading dock. The truck driver will use a pallet jack to move your product from the truck to your elevated loading dock.

Truck Delivery without an elevated loading dock

If you ordered item(s) that ship via truck, but you don’t have an elevated loading dock, a special lift-gate truck is required. Choose from the delivery options below:

  1. Lift-gate Delivery: The driver will lower your order onto the surface of your truck-accessible parking lot, as near to your building as possible. You will bring your order into the building. A $105 additional charge will be added to your order.

  2. Too Large for Liftgate: Some items are too large to be lowered to the ground with a liftgate. This service can be quoted for your individual order. Charges begin at $250. 

  3. Inside Delivery: The driver will use a pallet jack to bring your order over the first threshold of the building. A $85 additional charge will be added to your order.

  4. Room/Location Delivery: The driver will use a pallet jack to bring your order from the truck into the building and into a room/location of your choice. Includes going up one flight of stairs. A $135 additional charge will be added to your order.

  5. White Glove Delivery: Our most premium delivery option! The driver will deliver your order to a specified location within the building. This service can be quoted for your indivudal order. Charges begin at $625.

Shipping, Handling & Processing (SH&P) Charges

Shipping charges will be calculated at the time of your order using the package dimensions and delivery postal code. Shipments outside the 48 contiguous states may have extended delivery times. For specific questions related to shipping, please contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable team members.  

Expedited Delivery

Please call for availability.

1-855-899-9560 | 7:00am-7:30pm CT
1-507-451-7470 (Outside the US & Canada)