Increase assessment efficiency and accuracy with your purchase of flexibility testing equipment from Gopher Sport!
Our sit and reach test equipment makes data simple to read during assessment testing. Extra-large numbers make it easy for students, teachers, and coaches to accurately measure in centimeters or inches. Our testers are sturdy and have a non-slip bottom for reliable testing.
PE students have a choice of sit-and-reach testers in 3 models. Single testers let one student at a time test his or her flexibility. Quad and double models allow multiple children to be tested at one time for ultimate efficiency. PE teachers and coaches will appreciate the handles built into the testers for easy transport.
Teachers and coaches can also eliminate errors while testing trunk lift abilities with our Torso-Flex Tester. Instead of using a ruler to measure distance, students simply raise a paddle with their head to indicate height.
Shop for flexibility testers from Gopher Sport!