ClassPlus IntroFit Circuit Pack Station Boards & Teacher CardsSpecial Price $219.00 Regular Price $299.00
Introduce fitness to young students with your purchase of youth fitness equipment from Gopher Sport!
Introducing fitness equipment and regimes to students at an early age promotes a healthy lifestyle, as well as builds confidence. Gopher’s assortment of beginners’ fitness equipment introduces students to exercises and equipment used by older students and creates a strong fitness foundation.
Gopher's age-appropriate, introductory fitness equipment is designed with soft, lightweight materials that are non-intimidating as students learn the basics about use and form. Teachers can focus on introducing agility, plyometrics, balance, and strength with colorful products that appeal to younger users. All of our packs and sets include easy-to-follow instruction to guide beginners through the moves and boost their confidence along the way.
Buy introductory fitness equipment from Gopher and build a foundation for fitness in young students!