Portion Size Visual Learning Packs
Interactive and visual ways to teach your students the value of portion size!
Set of eye-catching materials effectively illustrates a healthy portion size versus today’s standard portion sizes by comparing calories and fat grams. Packs are tailored for specific age groups.
Age-Specific Materials
These sets are available in two age groups: Elementary and Junior/Senior High. This lets teachers find the best set to gain and hold the attention of their students. The packs provide multiple examples of portion sizes for these ages and comparisons so students can recognize when their portions are too large.
Visual Reinforcement
Poster/Banner Packs include a 2' x 5'3" highly-durable vinyl Portion Distortion banner to hang on wall or display with a stand, a smaller Portion Distortion poster, and two 18"L x 24"W laminated posters. Elementary Pack includes Portion Size Wise poster and Keep Your Eyes on the Size poster with examples of oversized portions versus properly-sized portions. Junior/Senior High Pack includes Portion Puzzle poster outlining serving sizes and Fast Food poster with tips on making better choices at fast food restaurants.