IntroFit Posters

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Unit:  Set of 6

Laminated posters provide clear, concise instruction for a variety of simple fitness exercises.

Teach students a wide range of fundamental workouts with these posters. It's easy to incorporate them into any fitness lesson plans for elementary school students to add a self-paced, self-directed component to the lesson.

All the Information You Need

There's no need to seek out additional resources or look online to find a comprehensive teaching strategy for fitness. These posters contain all of the vital information need to help students develop a keen understanding of fitness concepts for dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, resistance tubing, stability balls, and steps.

Each poster contains before and after pictures of each motion, as well as the title of each movement and a concise description of what's occurring during the movement. Posters provide quick and easy reference for a range of different exercises, all geared towards beginners.

Great for Self-Direction

Simply by looking at the posters, students can begin each exercise without direct assistance from an instructor. Self-paced learning helps teachers identify where specific students may struggle or excel in different areas of fitness. Being able to help those students keeps the entire class engaged and thriving.